4th Online meeting (2018)
Online meeting, August 22nd, 2018
This online meeting was devoted to discussing the remaining steps to go open access with the lecture materials and videos. From end of September 2018 onwards, the module on European Public Sector Accounting will be available also for students and lecturers, who are not part of the project consortium: http://offene.uni-rostock.de/online-course-european-public-sector-accounting/
In addition, the development of the second intellectual output of this project, the textbook was in the focus. The project team is pleased, that the textbook proposal was approved by Coimbra University Press for edition and for open access as well. The textbook will complement the lecture materials and the online course and will be available from September 2019 onwards.
Attendees of the previous multiplier events of the DiEPSAm-project will be informed by e-mail about the open access of the project materials.
3rd Transnational meeting: EGPA Workshop (2018)
3. Transnational meeting, May 2nd 2018
In the context of the multiplier event during the EGPA PSG XII Workshop on Public Sector Financial Management, also the project consortium came together to exchange on the status quo of the project and to discuss the next steps. The project meeting was attended by: Dennis Hilgers, Susana Jorge, Lasse Oulasvirta, Andy Wynne and the project coordinators Peter Lorson and Ellen Haustein. Particulary, the enhancement of the lecture materials and videos was in the focus of the meeting. Of the 6 Advisory Board members, four have given detailed feedback. Those points for critisms and suggestions for improvement have been thoroughly discussed by the project consortium. Ides of how to address the Advisory Board members' ideas were exchanged and a plan for enhancement was agreed upon.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our Advirsory Board MembersEugenio Capercione, Rui Pedro Lourenco, Thomas Müller-Marqués Berger and Hanna Silvola for the time invested for reviewing our materials and for providing such valuable feedback! In addition, further multiplier events were discussed:
- Annual conference of the German Academic Association for Business Research (VHB) at University of Rostock on 13-14 June 2019 and the
- Public Management Conference at University of Linz, in June 2019.
3rd Online meeting (2018)
Online meeting, March 8th, 2018
This project meeting was particularly devoted to reviewing the Status Quo of the lecture material and the video lectures and the preparation of the next transnational project meeting during the 2018 EGPA Spring Workshop on May 2nd 2018 in Rostock. The completion and enhancement of the lecture materials now stands in the focus of the project. Thereby, the project will also be supported by its Advisory Board. All the lecture materials will be available through open access from October 2018 onwards.
In addition, the completed and future dissemination activities of the project were discussed:
- A project presentation of Susana Jorge at the GRUDIS conference on 2-3 February 2018 in Porto/Portugal
- Conference on harmonization of public sector accounting in Europe at the University of Rostock/German on 16th March 2018,
- The 2018 EGPA PSG XII spring workshop on 3-4 May 2018,
- The panel session on Public Sector Accounting in Germany during the 2019 Annual Meeting of the German Academic Association for Business Research in Rostock on 13 June 2019 as well as the
- Public Management Colloquium to be held in September 2019 in Linz.
2nd Online meeting (2017)
Online Meeting, August 25th, 2017
During the online meeting on August 25th the partners particullary discussed the Status Quo of the preparation of the lecture material and the video lectures. Besides to that, the formal standardization of the lecture slides was clarified and the content of the jointly prepared interim report the funding agency was reviewed. Another main focus during this online meeting were the fast and future dissemination activitites ot the project consortium such as the:
- Conference on harmonization of public sector accounting in Europe at the University of Rostock/Germany, including a pre-conference doctoral workshop on March 16th, 2018 &
- A project presentation of Susana Jorge at the GRUDIS conference on 2/3 February 2018 in Porto/Portugal &
- Plans for the EGPA PSG XII spring workshop in May 2018
2nd Transnational meeting: CIGAR Conference (2017)
1st Online meeting (2017)
Online meeting on March 24th 2017
1st Transnational meeting: Kick-off
Kick-off meeting, December 9-10th, 2016
For a first project meeting all project partners came together at University of Rostock. The event was attended by Susana Jorge, Lisa Schmidthuber, Lasse Oulasvirta, Andy Wynne, Peter Lorson, Christina Wigger, Ellen Haustein and the staff team at the University of Rostock. It was sed for getting to know each of the project partners.
Besides administrative issues, the partners agreed on a lecture structure and the timeline for the future milestones.